Thursday, February 27, 2014

Second client meeting

We had our second client meeting yesterday (this time with Nikan) and I think it went fairly well except for the fact that we did not have a printed timeline for each member. We had written it out during our team meeting on Sunday, but weren't sure exactly how to "detail" all the future tasks for each member since the specifics get more vague in later weeks. Obviously, we have the details of the next 3 or 4 weeks mapped out fairly well and generally know what each of us will need to do in weeks 5-11, but the details about who does what were are not yet firmly in place for these later weeks. However, at our next team meeting, we are going to have to nail down these details as best we can so we can actually have a printed timeline for the next meeting. I feel that our first team meeting, which included storyboarding the app and creating the database diagram) was very helpful for giving us a good idea of where to go over the next 9-10 weeks. I had not really realized the importance of storyboarding until the meeting since it really helped us figure out not only how the app was going to come together but also where there were weaknesses that needed to be addressed (such as how challenges will be stored, etc.).

We also handed in our second version of our "great user story" at the client meeting and I think that this one was more in the "story-telling" format that we needed to use. We certainly tried to make it as detailed as possible, though there were some issues with this since Fernando and I were the main creators of the story and we did not get as much input from other members as I felt would be necessary in order to resolve some questions about wording and content. However, I feel that this story is more accessible to a first-time user and is more believable than our previous version.

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