Monday, March 3, 2014

Second team meeting

We had our second team meeting yesterday for about two hours. During the first part of the meeting, Matt S. made sure that everyone had pulled the new code that he had added on Saturday. This included files and database tables for listing challenges and creating challenges as well as administrator-only pages for viewing and editing users and challenges. I had been struggling to get SourceTree (a Git GUI client for Mac and Windows) to work with the Bitbucket repository (even though, ironically, Bitbucket recommends this app...). I had been able to get SourceTree to commit the changes that Fernando and I made to the code last week, but it refused to pull and merge the changes that Matt S. had made to the code. I finally ended up having to force a merge using Git on the command line, which cleared up the problem.

Once everyone's repositories were up-to-date, we started working on details of our timeline for the remaining weeks of the semester. We had written up a rough timeline at our first meeting, but had not yet gotten it typed up. Matt S. wrote down a list of functionality requirements that we must get done within the next few weeks before we start on design. We then decided who should work on what parts (with Fernando and I teaming up again since our skills in Ruby on Rails is far below that of Matt S. and Matt F. and we have found pair programming to be really helpful with the learning curve). I modified the written requirements of the document in order to put them into a timeline for the group so that each member's action items and the project milestones are listed. This is currently a google doc to which all team members have access so it can be edited and updated as needed.

Fernando and I's current action item for next week is to make the progress bar for the current challenge dynamic so it can updated and to also decide on a naming convention for CSS ids and classes so that we will have a basic convention by the time we get to design. Making the progress bar dynamically update will involve using jQuery, which I've only used a few times (though I have some experience in JavaScript in general) so I am hoping that our coding session will go smoothly. I think the hardest part will be trying to figure out exactly how much the progress bar will update when a user clicks "Success" since the during of a challenge can vary.

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