Saturday, May 10, 2014

Practice presentation...again

We had volunteered for a final practice presentation with Prof. Ackley yesterday morning. I think it was good that we did it because it is always helpful to get feedback. I think our biggest issue with our presentation is lack of practice. I think we really need to just sit down and run through it at least five or six times in order to figure out what works and what doesn't. You can have a decent presentation, but it won't have much impact if it isn't practiced and smooth.

Prof. Ackley also brought up a lot of things that we can change to make our presentation better. For instance, having a slogan ("Help make you a better you") and, at a minimum, using this slogan in the first and final slides. Also, and this is something I have brought up a previous meetings, we need to justify the honor system choice--i.e. if the user cheats they are only harming themselves. Regarding the competition, we should have more "damning with faint praise" for competitors to help emphasize what sets us apparent from these other applications and why we are "better".

The demo of the app itself still had some glitches and there was some confusion about whether we should show a user signing up (this was nixed as not a good idea) or just logging in. Also, initially starting with taking a simple, pre-made challenge (like "Check-in for signing up" or something similar) would be better than jumping into creating a challenge (though this can be done a little later, since it is an important feature of our application). I also think that whoever does the actual run-through of the slides should be the one whose Facebook account is used since this is less confusing than trying to switch accounts all the time. Prof. Ackley also mentioned that we should try to unify the fonts on our site a little more to go with our mostly lowercase theme. This is something that I finished working on last night so now the font capitalization looks a little more cohesive.

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