Tuesday, April 8, 2014

More design and demo

A few days ago, I created a new logo for the site. It was larger than our previous logo so I had to some CSS manipulation of the toolbar and the toolbar background to get it to look like I wanted. Since the logo was larger, I wanted to give the appearance that it was dropping below the edge of the navigation bar. However, this wasn't possible with just straight CSS since the size of the navbar would adjust to the size of the logo and it would not give the desired effect. Thus I ended up having to create a background image for the navbar in Photoshop. The upper half of this image was black (the color of the navbar background) while the lower part was transparent. I added this same background layout to the logo and then placed both the navbar background and logo in the navbar layout with CSS. This allowed me to create the effect of the logo dropping below the edge of the navbar. However, low part of the navbar background was showing up as white instead of transparent. After some quick Googling, I discovered that this was because I had to set the "background-color" attribute to "transparent" for the navbar CSS. This fixed the issue.

Fernando and I worked on some more of the design on Saturday for the profile page. We redesigned the color and some of the layout of the progress bar, making the color of the bar and surrounding div match the color scheme for the homepage. We also started looking for icons to use for the statistics display on the profile page. These still need to be redesigned, as does the challenges page. However, since the profile page is what the user will be looking at most often, we need to make sure that it looks good and works well.

On Sunday we had a meeting to work on the demo. Over the week, Fernando and I had put together some information to use on the slides (some of which we used). We were able to get the slides done and did some practice run-throughs. However, due to the time constraint, we couldn't really make it polished, and this was clearly an issue during the demo yesterday. I think that, for the final presentation, everyone needs to start putting ideas and slides together much earlier because it is completely unrealistic to try to do this the day before. Also, it just makes us look unprofessional. We also need to cut back drastically on the text (as pointed out in class) and put all the facts and extra information into "cheat sheets" that can be used as talking points.

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