Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Profile page design and meeting

I have been working on getting the statistics for the user's profile page redesigned to match the color scheme and design for the rest of the site. I added a progress bar to each statistic display which will (eventually) show exactly how many points the user has toward completing the next level of a given statistic. I also discovered that spans nested in divs can be very useful for arranging items horizontally, though you do have to do some tweaking of widths and heights to make sure they are all vertically aligned and nicely spaced horizontally.

I have also been testing the layout of the redesigned pages using the phone emulator in Google Chrome, which is extremely handy for testing. This revealed some issues with both the home page and profile page layout that I was able to fix. I've tried to make it a habit to run the emulator every time I make a change to the CSS just to make sure it still looks good on a small screen.

Fernando and I were able to find some appropriate icons to use for the levels. At the last team meeting we made some changes to the statistic names because Fernando discovered that Altruism only applied to one of the challenges that we had and Willpower applied to all of them. Thus we changed these to Dietetic/Diet and Dexterity since these are not too general and not too specific. However, at the client meeting today, Prof. Ackley pointed out that having Altruism might be seen as a good thing since eliminating it might cause some criticism that our focus is too narcissistic.

The client meeting itself helped solidify most of our tasks for the next two weeks. Most important, in my opinion, is design. Fernando has worked on putting in some icons to represent each statistic so once we get the progress bar for each statistic working, this page will mostly be complete design-wise. We will need to added some more logic to the progress bar, however, in order to give the user more feedback on their progress (like displaying a modal when they complete a week).

Additionally, the challenges page will need to designed this week as well since it is our other "main" page. Hopefully Fernando and I can get some help on this from Matt F. since otherwise it might be very difficult to get this done before next week, given that we have other coding and design to do for the rest of the site.

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