Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Presentation and code fixes

I worked on the presentation a little today. I added information about Demigod's competition (Fitocracy, DailyBurn, etc.) so we can utilize the Goldilocks method to justify why Demigod is different. I also broke out the "three stages to implementing healthy behavior" into three separate slides and added information on how Demigod helps users move through these three stages and build healthy habits.

We still need to work on a conclusion slide, as well as adding "intelligence" statistics (i.e. justifying why we are incorporating an intelligence category of challenges into our website). We also need to reduce and/or condense the amount of facts that we were previously using since having too many just bores the listener and takes away time from other important areas, like the demo.

I also worked on fixing an issue with our app that had been annoying me for quite awhile. We had incorporated a drop-down menu in the right side of the navbar. This menu has the user's name on it (as you see in most websites) and, when clicked, it displays a list of links relevant to the user (their created challenges, their completed challenges, etc). However, if you clicked the user's name again to close the drop down and then moved the mouse so it was no longer hovering over the name, the text for the name would turn dark grey (instead of white, which is the color it is supposed to show when the mouse is not hovering over it). I spent a good thirty minutes going through the CSS for the navbar in the Chrome's Developer Tools panel, trying to figure out where this color was being set. After some trial and error (read, "playing around") I finally discovered that I had to set the color and background-color properties of the default navbar "hover" and "focus" properties for the navbar links. This solved the problem and now the link is white when the menu is closed and the mouse is no longer hovering over the user's name in the navbar.

Finally, I added some text to the current challenge partial which tells the user how many check-ins they have to do for a given week. To improve this, I might end up adding another Ajax call to get the time and date when the user can next check-in (since we restrict check-ins to once per 24-hours).

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