Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pitches, round 2

Our group had our second pitch today. I think it went better than last time, but it definitely needs some work before the final presentation. Some important points were brought up, namely:
  • More information about how Demigod helps users improve their brain/mind as well as their body.
  • Reducing and/or condensing the number of facts used in the presentation.
  • Addressing potential cheating by users (justifying our use of the honor system).
  • Breaking up the slide for "Our Solution".
  • Justifying why our app is "just right" compared to other applications similar to ours.
I added placeholders for all these items to the presentation slideshow so we can fix these issues before the final presentation. I also think that it would have been better during the demo to have chosen a challenge (or, better yet, created one) that was just one check-in (named "Finish this demo" or something like that). We also need to make sure that the Facebook functionality is working properly for whoever is doing the demo since this was an issue with the demonstration.

There were also two other presentations today--MechanApp and Powderade. MechanApp had a very nice presentation which flowed well. I also like that they added a conclusion, which is something that I think we should probably add to our presentation as well. They improved a lot from their last presentation and I like that they emphasized the graph search and made it easier to actually see the graph itself.

Powderade also improved from last time. They had slides and a (shorter) video, which worked better than just one long video. However, they did have technical difficulties with the video, which interrupted the flow of their presentation so, as was suggested in class, it might be good to have a local copy just in case. 

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